
SAN FRANCISCO (Diya TV) — British journalist Piers Morgan had some choice words and thoughts he shared on Twitter during the Olympic Games — the polarizing figure took to the internet to express his disagreement over India celebrating its medal count of two at Rio.

“Country with 1.2 billion people wildly celebrates 2 losing medals. How embarrassing is that?” Morgan tweeted.

His rhetoric wasn’t one many in the Twitterverse shared, and soon they began ripping into Morgan for his comment.

“Nothing more embarrassing than being Piers Morgan,” one person wrote in response, while another wrote, “Piers, population size has literally no correlation to sporting success at all.”


Prominent Indian figures such as writer Chetan Bhagat, cricketer Virender Sehwag, and columnist Suhel Seth shared their responses as well.

“We honor achievers Peirs.Top 3 in the world, despite 3rd world sports facilities isn’t loser.It is freaking amazing!” said Bhagat.

“We cherish every small happiness, But [England] who invented Cricket &yet to win a [World Cup],still continue to play [World Cup].Embarrassing?” Sehwag shot back.

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After Sehwag saw the need to get involved, Morgan couldn’t contain his desires to go 12 rounds with the cricketing legend. “Very embarrassing, Legend. If @KP24 was playing, we’d win the WC. Just as we won T20 WC & he was Man of Series,” he tweeted.

“What is even more embarrassing are your sniveling interviews as if you had a diaper in your mouth. Sad,” said Suhel Seth, to which, Morgan responded, “At least you’ll never have to worry about being one of my interviewees, Suhel. I only interview famous people.”